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Yuxin Chen


Yuxin Chen was born in Shenzhen, China, where she started playing viola at the age of 8. In 2010 she auditioned for the Shenzhen Arts school in China and began to studying with Nisha Ren. Yuxin received full scholarship from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in 2018, where she received lesson from Professor Louise Lansdown. She also been awarded Leverhulme Art
Scholarship in 2020. In 2024, Yuxin finished her Master degree in viola at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, and under the guidance of Professor Marjolein Dispa.

Deeply passionate by chamber and orchestra music, Yuxin had the chance to play and perform with ensembles in different festival. She participated in Grafenegg Festival in 2023 and Dorset Opera Orchestra in 2022. Also, She is a member in the Damsco quartet and joined the NSKA in 2023 under the mentorship of Marc Danel.

Yuxin has participated masterclasses led by Thomas Riebl, Martin Outram, Garth Knox, Wolfram Christ, Timothy Ridout, and Nobuko Imai, among others.

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