Sound Wave Cropped Left


Anne Draffin

Principal Emeritus


Chair Donor
Richard & Peggy Greenfield

Violist Anne Draffin was born and raised in Auckland, where she completed her BMus (Exec) at Auckland University. She then joined the Viola section of the Symphonia of Auckland. Sadly a year and a half later this orchestra lost their funding and became insolvent, but from the ashes rose the Auckland Philharmonia. Anne was very involved in this initial period of setting up the cooperative organisation, but having prior plans to study in London with Csaba Erdelyi headed overseas for two wonderful years, then returned to Auckland Philharmonia where she was very involved in the organisation and served on multiple committees.

With the arrival of two busy boys her job as a APO violist and family commitments took priority. As her boys went through school Anne enjoyed sharing her love of music in the schools, tutoring, organising concerts and chamber music. Her work with young musicians led her to be involved with the Auckland Youth Orchestra, where she tutored and was on the board for several years. Anne also founded Mousike, a mixed ensemble from the Auckland Philharmonia that visits schools where they perform an eclectic programme that is very well received by young and old alike.

Anne is still a keen concert-goer both here and overseas. She loves to travel to spend time with family and friends and enjoy more musical experiences.

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