Sound Wave Cropped Left


Gillian Ripley


Chair Donor
Jeffrey Wilson

Born in the U.K., Gillian was educated at Manchester University, and gained her master’s degree from the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM). She has a passion for orchestral playing; having performed and recorded with many of the U.K.’s best professional orchestras including the LPO, CBSO, RLPO, Hallé, Ulster Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic, English National Ballet Philharmonic, and was a member of Southbank Sinfonia. She has played for performances at the BBC Proms, live television and radio broadcasts, and has toured extensively, playing in some of Europe’s great concert halls.

Alongside her busy performing schedule, Gillian enjoys inspiring the next generation of young musicians through her educational work. She has led workshops across the UK, and since moving to New Zealand, has loved working as a mentor and ensemble coach for Auckland Philharmonia’s Learn & Participate programme. Gillian is a passionate chamber musician and her ensemble work has included a wide range of concert performances, CD recordings, and world premiere commissions. She is also in demand as a session musician and performer with a range of high-profile artists.

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