Schumann Cello Concerto

Schumann Cello Concerto

13 Nov 2025
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Conductor Giordano Bellincampi
Cello Daniel Müller-Schott

Schubert Rosamunde: Overture
Schumann Cello Concerto
Beethoven The Creatures of Prometheus: selection

Est. running time one hour and 45 minutes including a 20-minute interval

Beethoven’s only full-length ballet, The Creatures of Prometheus, is set to a story on a theme close to its composer’s heart — the civilising power of art. The titular creatures whom Prometheus brings to life represent humanity itself, and Beethoven responded to the story of their enlightenment with engaging, sunny music.

Daniel Muller-Schott, one of the world’s outstanding cellists, plays Schumann’s introspective, contemplative concerto. To open, Giordano Bellincampi conducts Schubert’s genial overture.

Sound Wave Cropped Left
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