Brahms 3

Brahms 3

27 Feb 2025
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Conductor Giordano Bellincampi
Violin James Ehnes

Ligeti Concert Românesc
Bartók Violin Concerto No.1
Brahms Symphony No.3
Brahms Hungarian Dances Nos.1, 3 & 10

The exceptional violinist James Ehnes returns with Bartok’s intensely romantic concerto, written for and about a woman whom Bartok loved and lost. Brahms’ symphony begins in a stormy and dramatic mood but ends with a sense of calm acceptance.

Bookending the concert with folk music, Giordano Bellincampi finishes with a dash of Brahms’ paprika-infused dances. Ligeti’s Concert Românesc is an affectionate recollection of his Romanian childhood, with the orchestra transformed into a gigantic village band.

Sound Wave Cropped Left
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