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Oliver Sewell


Tenor Oliver Sewell has been praised for “his lovely, burnished tone color, natural sense of line, and unstinting generosity”. He has performed as soloist at the Lincoln Centre and Carnegie Hall. Other international highlights include performing Giannetto (La Gazza Ladra), Fernand (La Favorite), Ferrando (Così fan tutte), Alfredo (La Traviata), Handel's Messiah and Mozart’s Mass in C Minor. Since returning to New Zealand, he has performed Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Alfredo (La Traviata) and Edgardo (Luccia di Lammamour) with Wellington Opera and Beethoven’s Fidelio with the Auckland Philharmonia. He has also sung in many recitals and concerts around New Zealand

You can see Oliver Sewell live with the Auckland Philharmonia on Saturday 5 July at Pub Charity Opera in Concert: La traviata

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