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Jessica Alloway


Chair Donor
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Jessica is a New Zealand born violinist, with a Bachelor of Music and Post Graduate Diploma with distinction under the tutelage of Vesa-Matti Leppänen from the New Zealand School of Music. On completing her studies in New Zealand she was lucky enough to join the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra on their European tour which then led her to studying her post graduate studies in Switzerland.

She completed a Master of Arts with distinction under the tutelage of Monika Urbaniak from Hochschule der Künste in Bern. During her time in Bern Jessica worked with ensembles such as Camerata Bern, Biel Symphony Orchestra, Bern Symphony Orchestra and as guest principal second violin with Bern Chamber Orchestra.

Since moving back to New Zealand in 2015 she regularly performs with the Auckland Philharmonia and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra as well as managing a busy teaching studio. Currently she is playing a French violin by Charles Résuche from 1907 and a Eugène Sartory bow.

When Jessica isn't playing her violin she is enjoying being a new mum and getting out on the water as much as possible.

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