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Ingrid Fliter


Argentine pianist Ingrid Fliter has won the admiration and hearts of audiences around the world for her passionate yet thoughtful and sensitive music making played with an effortless technique. In 2006 she won the Gilmore Artist Award, one of only a handful of pianists and the only woman to have received this honour.

Past and upcoming highlights include numerous performance trips to Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand, engagements at London’s Wigmore and Queen Elizabeth Halls, and appearances with most of the major North American orchestras and summer festivals.

Ingrid Fliter has been teaching at the Imola International Academy "Incontri col Maestro” since the autumn of 2015, and records with Linn Records.

You can see Ingrid Fliter in action on Thursday 7 November at The New Zealand Herald Premier Series: Sir Andrew Davis Conducts

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