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Eric Scholes


Eric Scholes is a freelance bass player in the Auckland metropolitan region. He performs regularly with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Auckland Chamber Orchestra and NZ Barok, and in 2022 is contracted full-time with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.

Born in Aotearoa, Eric completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland with John Harrison and APO members Michael Steer and Evgueny Lanchtchikov as his teachers. He then went on to perform with the APO as Double Bass Fellow in 2015 and took lessons from APO Principal Bass Gordon Hill who launched him internationally. Eric obtained his postgraduate degree in performance double bass under Ira Gold at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Eric made his solo debut with NZ Barok in 2019 performing the Dittersdorf concerto for double bass. A versatile musician, he also plays electric bass in a number of bands. His interests outside of music include spearfishing, camping, tramping and caring for his houseplants.

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