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Dan Golding


Dr. Dan Golding is a critic, academic, and was from 2014-2017 the director of the Freeplay Independent Games Festival. He holds a PhD from The University of Melbourne and is a Lecturer in Media and Communications at Swinburne University of Technology. He is the co-author of Game Changers: From Minecraft to Misogyny, The Fight for the Future of Videogames (Affirm Press, 2016) and responsible for the music in the 2016 Sony PlayStation 4 game, Push Me Pull You. Dan has been a regular on the RRR radio program Byte Into It, and has appeared on ABC News 24, SBS Television and numerous ABC local radio stations. He also makes YouTube videos about film music.

You can see Dan Golding live with the Auckland Philharmonia on Friday 4 April at Art of the Score: The Music of Hans Zimmer

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