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Antony Hermus


Antony Hermus is Chief Conductor of the Belgian National Orchestra, and Principal Guest at Opera North.

Hermus guests regularly with the Royal Philharmonic, Orchestre National de Lyon, Danish National and Orquesta Sinfonica da Galicia, and has conducted the Philharmonia, Suisse Romande, Orchestre National de Lille, Bamberg Symphony and Oregon Symphony.

In 2024-25 he returns to Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic, Auckland Philharmonia, BBC Scottish Symphony and BBC National Orchestra of Wales. He debuts with Vancouver Symphony, Bonn Beethovenorchester and Polish National Radio orchestras. He will conduct Martinu’s Giulietta at Opera Nice and Simon Boccanegra at Opera North.

You can see Antony Hermus live with the Auckland Philharmonia on Thursday 28 August at The New Zealand Herald Premier Series: Love Stories

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