The Show Must Go On!

The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra has confirmed that their upcoming concert performance on Thursday 24 September at the Auckland Town Hall will now be filmed live and broadcast exclusively as a livestream performance.

Continuing restrictions on mass gatherings has meant that the APO are still unable to open the Town Hall doors to audiences.

Despite this setback, the orchestra will still take to the stage at 8pm next Thursday evening, socially distanced accordingly and ready to perform the advertised programme, Messages to Mozart, featuring piano soloist Stephen De Pledge.

The LIVE broadcast will commence at 8.00pm and will be streamed via the APO’s own website and Facebook page and through sharing agreements with Radio New Zealand, The New Zealand Herald and Auckland Live.

According to Robin Lane, Digital Content Coordinator for the Auckland Philharmonia, it is expected that this livestream event will put the orchestra’s total views over the 6 months since level 4 lockdown, to more than 4 million and with viewers spread across 29 countries.

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In other words we have effectively filled our Auckland Town Hall 2,571 times since March or if stadiums are more your thing, we’ve achieved capacity crowds at Eden Park 78 times across the last 6 months
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- Digital Content Coordinator, Robin Lane

These viewing statistics represent an astonishing accomplishment during this time of isolation and is testimony to the APOs adaptability and proactive approach to the challenges of the current COVID-19 climate.

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