Q&A with Erika Grimaldi

APO's Francesca McGeorge chatted with soprano Erika Grimaldi ahead of her performance with the APO for The Trusts Community Foundation Opera in Concert: Il Trovatore.

What was you first experience of opera?

My first experience of opera was La Bohème at Teatro Regio in Turin. It was my first official experience in a very big and important opera house. I sang Mimi and it was a magic thrill to debut this role, which I particularly love., It has become the role I have performed the most in my career.

What dras you to Verdi's music?

Verdi is one of the greatest Italian composers and his music was sensational both in his time and today. When I sing his music, I’m filled with a jolt of joy and energy, a sublime power of elevation. His music marks the concreteness of the time, and has a great depth and sense of soul.

Is there a composer or work you haven't performed, that you would like to?

There are many operas I have not sung yet that I love, and that I would love to perform. For example, Don Carlo by Verdi and Tosca by Puccini are two cornerstones in Italian opera that every soprano wishes to perform.

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

Gabriella Ravazzi, my teacher, was and still is the most important person in my career. I met her at the beginning of my musical studies and I grew up with her teachings. She supports me, she is my guide, she advises me on every aspect of being an artist and I’m grateful for that.

How would you describe your working relationship with Maestro Giordano Bellincampi and the APO?

I’m looking forward to meeting Maestro Bellincampi and working with him and the APO. It will be my first time in Auckland and I’m really excited.

What is your favourite venue in the world?

I love all venues, all theatres, all cities. When I travel and do my job, I always feel at home.

What is the worst moment you've ever had on stage?

I don’t remember bad moments on stage. The worst moment for an artist is not being on the stage, such as during the pandemic.

What has been the high point of your life so far?

The high point of my life is my children, Esther and Ettore, and my family. I have felt no greater love than what I feel for them. They are my pride and joy, and make me feel complete.

What is your favourite thing you do for yourself?

I like to take some free time to be by myself and with people I love. I like cooking, playing sports and reading a good book.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?

The best piece of advice is from my teacher: study, study and study again! Knowledge and preparation are the keys to being successful and accomplished in everything you want to reach.

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