Q&A with APO Violin, Yuri Cho

APO’s Helen Spoelstra talked to APO First Violin Yuri Cho about her love of breweries and her advice for young musicians.  

Where did you grow up?
Canada - born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta

How long have you been performing with the APO?
Since August of 2015.

Can you play any other instruments other than the violin?
I can play the piano a bit and used to play the flute in junior high school – not sure if that counts anymore though!

What are you favourite works in the violin repertoire?

That's a tough question. I'll list some, in no particular order: Shostakovich Concerto No.1, Mozart Sonatas K.304 and K.454, Bartok Solo Sonata, Beethoven Violin Concerto, Bach Unaccompanied Sonatas and Partitas, Kreisler Liebesleid, Farr Wakatipu, Tartini The Art of Bowing, Brahms Sonata No.1,  I'll stop there...

Do you have any advice for young musicians wanting to become professional and make it in the industry?
Practise efficiently and learn about all the other facets of the industry, not only how to play your instrument. Be proactive; don't wait for things to happen for you.

What are your interests outside of music?
Open water swimming, brewing/drinking beer, growing chillies, knitting, spinning wool, discovering and exploring new breweries/distilleries that make up NZ's alcohol scene, watching TV, cooking, Milo time, the list goes on...

Do you have any pets?
Yes, a cat named Milo. He is a light ginger kitty who just turned 10 in March and he is super cute!

What do you love most about living in Auckland?
The proximity of beaches for open water swimming and the abundance of fresh produce/food.

What is your go-to dinner party recipe?
I seem to like making salads, so I guess a salad of some sort, depending on what ingredients I have and/or what else is bring served at the dinner party.

What might surprise people to know about you?
1. I love skulls...not sure why.
2.  We have a kegerator/beer fridge with 2 taps.
3. I took Danish classes for six months when living in Denmark and passed the 1st level of certification.
4. The first string quartet I played in was now a few decades ago, in Edmonton, and the violist was fellow APO-er, Robert Ashworth. Small world.

Quickfire! What is your favourite...

Book: George Orwell's 1984
MovieSpace Cowboys
TV ShowBreaking Bad
Food: Sushi
Song: Green Day's ‘Basket Case’

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