Meet Reuben Rameka - Our Rising Star Young Composer-in-Residence

Our Rising Star Young Composer-in-Residence programme gives young composers the chance to hone their craft by working closely with the APO. We spoke to our Rising Star for 2019, Reuben Rameka, about his journey so far.

What inspired you to get into music?

Although I never saw him play live myself, my grandfather performed in many bands and played a lot of instruments. As a child, I was always unsure what I wanted to be growing up. It wasn’t until I went to Aorere College, a high school known for its musical accomplishments, that I met Dr Douglas Nyce, the HOD of music at the time.

He was very impressed with my musical skill and always encouraged me to pursue my goalsfurther. Right now, I am a composition student studying at the University of Auckland, looking to extend my musical knowledge and skills.

How has the APO's Rising Star affected you?

Being chosen as the APO’s Rising Star has been a true blessing. It is an exciting and challenging experience. I get to work with a highly professional group of musicians as well as wonderful staff. It pushes my creative writing to its limits which, honestly, makes me even more excited to compose for the orchestra. I want to gain a lot of composing experience from the Rising Star as well as make new friends and meet people who share the same passion as me.

Where to from here, Reuben?

From here, I’m hoping to get my name out there and attract other musical groups as I am always looking for commissions. After I graduate from university, I want to become a music teacher and inspire young musicians to pursue a career in music just like I’m doing. Composing will always be a part of me however, and I’ll always be composing even when I become a teacher.

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