Maestro Giordano Bellincampi extends partnership with APO for another three years

Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra (APO) has announced that the partnership between the orchestra and its Music Director, Italian-Danish conductor Giordano Bellincampi, will be continuing for another term. Maestro Bellincampi has been in the role since the beginning of 2016 and this extension will take the orchestra and Maestro Bellincampi through to the end of the 2021 season.

APO CEO Barbara Glaser says, “We are delighted that Giordano has accepted our invitation for another term as Music Director of the APO. His rapport with the orchestra is palpable and together they create immensely beautiful work.

“He is a hugely talented and endlessly professional conductor and a delight to have around. His success with our audiences in this role is borne out in the uplift in subscriptions we have experienced since he became Music Director,” Glaser says.

On extending his relationship with the APO, Bellincampi says, “The orchestra and I have covered a lot of ground in the past two years and I am really excited about continuing to be a part of the inspiring development of the APO and the expansion of our repertoire. I am thrilled to accept this invitation and to continue working with this superb orchestra. It starts with the hugely exciting and diverse 2018 programme ahead of us in the immediate future.”

Highlights of the APO’s 2018 season see Bellincampi conducting Aida (as Opera in Concert) as well as music by Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Beethoven, Nielsen and contemporary works by Poul Ruders and Eve de Castro-Robinson. Guest artists with whom he will work include Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Kolja Blacher, Veronika Eberle and Thomas E. Bauer.

He will also conduct two performances at Takapuna’s Bruce Mason Centre – Bellincampi & Mendelssohn and Bellincampi & Brahms – as part of the APO on The Shore series.

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