Helping the next generation of music lovers - 21st Century Circle

APO Donor proflie: Steven Brodie

Meet Steven Brodie, a devoted supporter of the APO, and find out more about how he will continue to make a difference to the next generation of music lovers, through the Future Fund, the Notes Fund and the 21st Century Circle legacy programme.

Steven Brodie has been attending Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra concerts for the past 30 years, and is a long-time supporter of the orchestra. He is a current donor to the Future Fund, the Notes Fund, and is a proud member of the 21st Century Circle legacy programme having left a gift for the APO in his will, ensuring that his support will endure for decades to come and will benefit future generations of music lovers.

Steven says: “The mantra Music Opens Minds resonated with me. My support of the APO ensures that the organisation can make an impact today and that a future generation of music lovers will be here tomorrow.

I am a foundation member of the Future Fund, supporting APO Connecting – the orchestra’s music education programme. Children are our future and I feel very proud to be able to support them in becoming music lovers and future musicians. My annual donations to the Future Fund today support opportunities for our Auckland akonga and tamariki to experience music in connection with the APO.

I have also left a gift in my will to future proof the impact of the organisation and ensure future generations will benefit. When we are choosing beneficiaries of our will, we usually select a loved one or an organisation that has touched our hearts in some way. Finding that heartfelt connection with the APO was easy for me. My grandmother played violin for “The Bohemian Orchestra” who often performed in the Auckland Town Hall during the 1920s and 30s. My mother was an accomplished pianist who taught hundreds of children over the decades, and so my bequest to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra is to honour her legacy as a teacher and the passion for music which she instilled in me.

I encourage you to become a member of the 21st Century Circle legacy programme. Imagine if every person in New Zealand donated even a small amount to the APO in their wills – when we think of the size of our population, that cumulative effect could make a big difference and have such a significant musical impact!

The APO’s involvement in our communities and the huge variety of programmes they offer mean there is something for everyone throughout Tāmaki Makaurau. I urge you to visit their website – it is likely that there are events that you didn’t know about and would like to supportI The APO has embraced me as part of the wider APO Family and knowing that I am one of many who is currently, and shall in the future, keep the APO alive for future generations is so rewarding. I know that my gift is going to a wonderful cause that will bring joy to so many Aucklanders long after I am gone.”

To find out more about 21st Century Circle membership email Auckland Philharmonia’s Director of Development Melanie Esplin at

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