Helping Kiwi Communities is at the heart of the Four Winds Foundation, and they provide necessary funding for vital music education across Tāmaki Makaurau including all of APO’s education and outreach programmes. Read on to learn more about what they make possible.
As an arts charity, the Auckland Philharmonia is reliant on the support of the local community. That support is extended by many individual donors, businesses and a multitude of Trusts and Foundations.
One of our Core Funders is Four Winds, who are a cornerstone supporter of our APO Connecting music education programming. Four Winds are keen supporters of access to opportunity for young people across Auckland and have been proud funders of the Auckland Philharmonia since 2013. Their support makes it possible for Auckland Philharmonia musicians to mentor thousands of young people in the art of music, enabling programmes like APO Partnership Schools, Kiwi Kapers, APO 4 Kids and of course our upcoming Community Play In which invites all of Auckland to play their own instruments side-by-side with the APO.
“The APO team and musicians are very much community-oriented with wonderful programmes that inspire young kids. I’ve seen first-hand the effect of some of their community events and I’m very impressed with their community outreach and impact. They are simply doing amazing work with everything they have to offer, being a world-class orchestra.” – Shirly Geron, Four Winds Foundation Grants Administrator
Each year, close to 400 Aucklanders participate in the Community Play In, approximately half of whom are aged 19 and under. Many participants return year after year for the experience of playing with a full orchestra. For amateur and student participants, particularly those who have not performed with others, or for an audience before, this event increases confidence, collaboration, knowledge, and artistry. The professional APO musicians placed in each section of the orchestra provide supportive feedback and encouragement. The APO is often asked to offer this programme multiple times a year, because nothing else like it currently exists for Auckland community musicians.