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Evgueny Lanchtchikov


Chair Donor
Trish Clapham and Robin Scholes

Evgueny Lanchtchikov was born in USSR (Tashkent City, Republic of Uzbekistan, USSR). He started studying cello and double bass at the age of 6 at the Uspensky Music School for gifted children in 1975. After 11 years of studying in school, Evgueny got into Novosibirsk State Conservatory and seven years later was graduated as a double bass soloist, orchestra player and double bass tutor.

His full-time professional orchestra experience started in 1987 and includes working with the Army Orchestra of the Siberian Region (1987-1989), Chamber Orchestra of Novosibirsk Philrharmonia (1989-1990, Novosibirsk, Russia), the Novosibirsk State Academic Symphony Orchestra (1990-1993, Novosibirsk, Russia), Slavanian Academic Symphony Orchestra (1993-1994, Moscow, Russia), Opera and Ballet orchestra of Zatz Theatre (1993-1994, Moscow, Russia), Bilkent Academic Symphony Orchestra (1994-1996, Ankara, Turkey) and Auckland Philharmonia (1996 to present).

Evgueny’s teaching experience includes teaching double bass in Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey), The University of Auckland (School of Music) and Epsom Music School.

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