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Daniel Müller-Schott


Daniel Müller-Schott is one of the most sought-after cellists in the world and can be heard on all the great international concert stages.  Since winning 1992 the International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, he has guested with the world’s leading orchestras including the New York Philharmonic, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Berlin Philharmonic, Leipzig Gewandhaus and London Symphony, under conductors such as Iván Fischer, Manfred Honeck, Andris Nelsons, Vasily Petrenko, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Jaap van Zweden and Simone Young.

Müller-Schott’s recordings have garnered international awards, among them the Diapason d'Or, Gramophone Editor's Choice, Strad Selection and BBC Music Magazine's record of the month.

Müller-Schott plays the 1727 ‘Ex-Shapiro’ Matteo Goffriller cello.

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