Inspire Open Rehearsals

Inspire Open Rehearsals give students and teachers invaluable insight into the rehearsal process of a professional orchestra. They’ll see the preparation of a concert unfold and witness the orchestra interact with a wide range of soloists, conductors and repertoire.

Bookings are essential. Please fill out the form via the Book Now button if you wish to attend.

2025 Open Rehearsals

Tchaikovsky 5 - 1.30pm, Wednesday 14 May
Daphnis et Chloé - 1.30pm, Tuesday 5 August

If you would like to attend a rehearsal for a concert that is not listed above, please get in touch with us at

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Please note: In Your Neighbourhood, Baroque & Beyond, Tunes 4 Tamariki, Masterclasses and Stardome events are not available via Ticketmaster.
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