Sistema Aotearoa

Sistema Aotearoa is an independent trust that has a positive partnership with the Auckland Philharmonia .While they collaborate with the orchestra on a number of projects, the Sistema Trust receives no direct financial support from the Auckland Philharmonia.

Based on the international El Sistema movement, Sistema Aotearoa is a youth development programme that uses ensemble music to enable every young participant to experience being an asset within their community. Students begin learning violin and cello with other string (viola, double bass), woodwind (flute, clarinet), brass (trumpet, trombone) and percussion instruments being second instrument options for older children.

Students between the ages of 2 and 14 from Otara, South Auckland take part in diverse activities including lively community pre-school music sessions, in-school musicianship lessons and instrumental tuition after school and during the school holidays. By the end of 2016 more than 2,000 children will have been impacted by the programme.

Sistema Aotearoa has four string orchestras and the Rangatahi Philharmonia o Tara, their 60-strong flagship orchestra. In addition to concert performances students enjoy exciting collaborative projects in theatre and dance, chamber ensembles and extension activities.

Come along and experience Sistema Aotearoa at one of our many events during the year and follow our activities on and

Sistema Aotearoa is grateful to receive support from many organisations and individuals within the community including:
Creative New Zealand, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development, Otara Papatoetoe Local Board, Chisholm Whitney Family Trust, Sky City Auckland Community Trust, Auckland Live, Due Drop Events Centre, Auckland Communities Foundation, The Fraser Trust, Graeme Revell, John Boscawen, Ruth Foreman, John & Eleanor Gibb, Geoffrey Haughey, John & Pip McKay, Peter McDonald, Rose Charities.

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