Orchestral Winter School

When 4.30pm - 7pm, Wednesday 16 July & Thursday 17 July 2025
Where University of Auckland School of Music, 6 Symonds Street, Auckland CBD

This free two-day course features workshops, sectionals, and tutti rehearsals with Auckland Philharmonia musicians, and a performance in the University of Auckland School of Music Theatre! Experience rehearsals with a professional orchestra and conductor and get a taste for what tertiary musical training is like at the University of Auckland.

Applicant Requirements

Age Year 10-13
This course is for orchestral instrumentalists only (unfortunately we cannot accept harp, guitar, piano, singers, or saxophone)
This course is recommended for students who are Grade 6+ or equivalent
Cost This course is absolutely FREE!

Applicants must be available for both days of the event.

This course is specifically for secondary school students interested in tertiary music education.


Applications for Orchestral Winter School 2025 are open until 5pm Thursday 1 May.

For your application you will need:

  • Applicant contact details and parent contact details
  • A short audition video of a piece you are working on (1 -2 minutes, recommended Grade 6 standard or above)
  • A short paragraph to explain why you are interested in this programme

For any queries please contact

Orchestral WinterSchool 2025 Application Form (#88)

Sound Wave Cropped Left

Age Year 10-13*
This course is for orchestral instrumentalists only (unfortunately we cannot accept guitar, piano, vocals, saxophone)
This course is recommended for students who are Grade 5+ or equivalent

*This course is specifically for secondary school students interested in tertiary music education

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