Joie de Vivre

Joie de Vivre

12 Sep 2024
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Conductor Samy Rachid
Piano Louis Schwizgebel

Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin
Saint-Saëns Piano Concerto No.2
Takemitsu Three Film Scores for Strings
Poulenc Sinfonietta

Programme Notes

Est. running time one hour and 45 minutes including a 20-minute interval

An enchanting programme from three French composers, and a Japanese one who was greatly inspired by French music.

Ravel’s Le Tombeau de Couperin is an ageless homage to his Baroque predecessor with his familiar orchestral tones and colour as well as an underlying wistfulness.

Rather less complexity in Saint-Saëns’ Second Piano Concerto, which is more about a pianist giving us a display of utterly astonishing virtuosity. Swiss pianist Louis Schwizgebel is sure to sparkle with this ever-popular piece.

Takemitsu, filmmaker Kurosawa’s favourite composer, wrote film music as visionary and powerful as his concert music. This lyrical suite of film scores takes influences from 1950’s jazz and Viennese waltz. And Poulenc’s marvellous and witty, yet rarely performed, Sinfonietta will ensure you leave the concert hall in good spirits.

Notes Fund - Music for this concert has been supported by Gene Dillman.

*Please note Samy Rachid replaces the previously announced Nodoka Okisawa as conductor for this concert.

Sound Wave Cropped Left
With Thanks
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