Pre-concert talks

Our free pre-concert talks offer a fascinating insight into the music you are about to experience.

Before the start of each major concert in the Town Hall our knowledgeable guest speakers offer you fascinating insights into the programme you are about to hear. This is your chance to discover more about the composers, music and musicians, and enrich your concert-going experience.

Join us in the Concert Chamber and let us set the scene for the concert to come.

For the 2024 Season all pre-concert talks will start at 6.45pm

New Zealand Herald Premier Series

EnigmaThu 27 MarRobert Johnson
Mozart's JupiterThu 1 MayTBC
Tchaikovsky 5Thu 15 MayReuben Brown
NightscapesThu 10 JulTBC
Spanish RhythmsThu 21 JulReuben Brown
Daphnis et Chloé Thu 7 AugRobert Johnson
Love StoriesThu 28 AugReuben Brown
Mozart MischiefThu 2 OctReuben Brown
Fantastique!Thu 16 OctReuben Brown
Mahler 3Thu 20 NovReuben Brown

Classic Series

Romantic Brahms10 Apr 2025TBC
Beethoven 526 Jun 2025Reuben Brown
Tchaikovsky's Violin25 Sep 2025Reuben Brown
Schumann Cello Concerto13 Nov 2025Reuben Brown

Pub Charity Opera in Concert

La traviataSaturday 5 JulyGiordano Bellincampi
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Please note: In Your Neighbourhood, Baroque & Beyond, Tunes 4 Tamariki, Masterclasses and Stardome events are not available via Ticketmaster.
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