Romantic Brahms

Romantic Brahms

10 Apr 2025
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Conductor Elena Schwarz
Piano Inon Barnatan

Farrenc Overture No.2
Brahms Piano Concerto No.2
Franck Symphony in D minor

Brahms’ wonderful Piano Concerto No.2 is timeless and unforgettable, and acclaimed pianist Inon Barnatan returns to the Town Hall stage for this mountainous work.

Franck’s D minor Symphony, written in the twilight of his career, is a warm-hearted, generous work filled with a profusion of irresistible melodies, while Louise Farrenc — whose long-forgotten music is one of the most interesting musical movements today — offers up a brisk, Schubertian overture to this concert.

Inon Barnatan’s appearance is proudly supported by Desley Simpson

Sound Wave Cropped Left
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